How find first and last month in SQL?

How find first and last month in SQL?

The logic is very simple. The first part @DATE-DAY(@DATE) results to the Last day of a previous month and adding 1 to it will result on the first day of current month. The second part EOMONTH(@DATE) makes use of SYSTEM function EOMONTH which results to the last day of the given date.

How do I get 12 months in SQL?

How to Get Last 12 Months Sales Data in SQL. mysql> select * from sales where order_date> now() – INTERVAL 12 month; In the above query, we use system function now() to get current datetime. Then we use INTERVAL clause to filter those records where order_date falls after an interval of 12 months before present datetime …

How do you get the last day of previous month in SQL?

How to Get First and Last Day of a Month in SQL Server. To get the first day of the previous month in SQL Server, use the following code: SELECT DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, GETDATE()) – 1, 0) To get the last day of the previous month: SELECT DATEADD(DAY, -(DAY(GETDATE())), GETDATE()) To get the first day of the current month:

What is the Max date in SQL?

MAX() function on date. In this part, you will see the usage of SQL MAX() function on date type of the column of a table. Example: Sample table: orders. To get the maximum ‘ord_date’ from the ‘orders’ table, the following SQL statement can be used : SELECT MAX (ord_date) AS “Max Date” FROM orders;

What is the first day of the week in SQL?

SQL Server assigns each day a default integer: For example, Monday is 1 and Sunday is 7. This default setting corresponds to the European standard in which the first day of the week is Monday. But in the United States, Sunday is the first day of the week.

What is month in SQL?

In SQL Server (Transact-SQL), the MONTH function returns the month (a number from 1 to 12) given a date value.

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