Does Supreme Commander Forged Alliance have the original campaign?

Does Supreme Commander Forged Alliance have the original campaign?

The first missions listed there (Black Day through Overlord) are the FA campaign missions, which are not faction-specific. If you want the SupCom campaign missions, you have to scroll down to where there are faction avatars next to the names of the missions.

When was Supreme Commander Forged Alliance made?

November 6, 2007
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance/Initial release dates

When did Forged Alliance come out?

How do I add mods to Supreme Commander?

Users install mods in the appropriate place in their Supreme Commander file (D:\Supreme Commander\gamedata For example) installation, and then enable them in the Extras menu in Supreme Commander. All players in a multiplayer game must be using the same mods.

When did Supreme Commander Forged Alliance come out?

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance is the sequel/expansion to Supreme Commander. THQ released it on November 6th of 2007. From THQ’s announcement: Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance will also function as a standalone game in its own right, will bring a broad variety of extra features to the original title.

Is the Supreme Commander wiki useful for new players?

This is intended for players new to Supreme Commander, but if you are a returning player this could be useful as it provides a sound knowledge base and encourages good habits. Here is a guide for new players who want to improve and compete within the community.

Who are the Seraphim in Supreme Commander Forged Alliance?

The Seraphim, a race long thought to have gone extinct, have exploited the firing of Black Sun to create a rift from the Quantum Realm they inhabit to our universe, on Earth. Once through the rift, they wreak a path of destruction through the civilized galaxy, leaving Earth and most of the core worlds of the UEF in ruins.

Who are the new factions in Supreme Commander?

The most notable addition to this expansion is the addition of a new faction, the Seraphim. In addition, the three original factions — the United Earth Federation (UEF), Cybran Nation, and Aeon Illuminate — also receive a number of new units. Other new content includes new maps.

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