What is Enumitem package?

What is Enumitem package?

enumitem – Control layout of itemize, enumerate, description This package provides user control over the layout of the three basic list environments: enumerate, itemize and description.

What is enumitem in LaTeX?

provides the enumerate and itemize environments for numbered and itemized (usually bulleted) lists, respectively. Various package are available that provide more customizable list environments.

How do you enumerate ABC in LaTeX?

The enumeration environment can be easily changed from numbers to alphabetic characters. By using: \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\alph{enumi})} numbers will be replaced by alphabetic chars.

How do you indent a description in LaTeX?

For example, just by \setlist[description]{leftmargin=1cm,labelindent=1cm} you could indent the description list by 1 cm. Raise leftmargin or use any value you like for the arguments. More can be found in the package documentation.

What is the difference between itemize and list?

Though itemize is essentially a synonym for list, it is usually used for more formal situations and those related to budget. So itemize your tax deductions or your spending report, or even itemize the reactions of your chemistry experiment.

How do you continue numbering in LaTeX?

The environment where this happens is called cenumerate– as in, continuing to enumerate. To employ this environment at any level k in i, ii, iii or iv, just employ the command \renewcommand{outlinek}{cenumerate} before the start of your outline. Be warned, this will even continue to count across outlines!

How do you write Roman numerals in LaTeX?

You can convert a number to a lowercase roman numeral using the TeX primitive \romannumeral\relax or in uppercase using ppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral\relax} . Counter values can be printed in as Roman numerals using \roman{} (lowercase) and \Roman{} (uppercase).

Can a description list admit a label in enumitem?

Description lists don’t admit a label in the sense of the label key of the enumitem package.

Which is an example of customization with enumitem?

An example of a customization possible with enumitem is This enumerated list has labels X1, X2, etc., and a reference such as “see ef {item1}” reproduces the label: “see X1”. Description environments can also be customized (I use these very little).

Are there lists in latex with the enumitem package?

Lists in LaTeX with the enumitem Package Posted on December 17, 2019 by Nick Higham provides the enumerate and itemize environments for numbered and itemized (usually bulleted) lists, respectively. Various package are available that provide more customizable list environments.

What are the lengths of the enumitem package?

These lengths include: labelwidth, labelindent, labelsep, leftmargin, itemindent, and topsep.

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