Can Fiddlesticks still support?

Can Fiddlesticks still support?

Fiddlesticks is a pretty squishy champion, which makes him easy to burst down. Nimbus Cloak is still the rune to take as Fiddlestickssupport because it makes your engages with Crowstorm and Flash a lot more potent. Transcendence is the go-to option in this tier.

Is Fiddlesticks good in lol?

Fiddlesticks is powerful in a variety of situations, always offering incredible crowd control. He fits in multiple roles and a perfect fit for both casual and competitive ranked players. Last year’s rework has boosted the popularity of Fiddlesticks massively.

Is Fiddlesticks good in league?

Fiddlesticks is considered to be one of the unique picks in League of Legends. The “Ancient Fear” one-tricks are generally versatile with their play. Fiddlesticks is powerful in a variety of situations, always offering incredible crowd control.

Which is the best keystone to build on Fiddlesticks?

Fiddlesticks is also pretty vulnerable to crowd control. Arcane Comet is the best keystone to build on Fiddlesticks support in the Sorcery tree because of the extra poke damage it does.

What do you need to know about Fiddlesticks support?

Introduction. Fiddlesticks is an increasingly popular champion being sent to the bot lane as he comes packed with utility to help zone and CC your enemy, and does a fair amount of damage even with small amounts of AP. Fiddlesticks support was once considered a troll before popularised by professional play.

How does Fiddlesticks pretend to be an effigy?

Fiddlesticks begins the game with an exclusive Scarecrow Effigy, which permanently occupies its trinket slot. Fiddlesticks can pretend to be an Effigy, after standing still for 2 seconds, adjusting its body into a scarecrow and extending its arm out to expose its lantern. Its health bar is also hidden to enemies while idle, similarly to an Effigy.

How much damage does a fiddlestick do in League of Legends?

Fiddlesticks hurls a crow at the target enemy. After a 0.4 second travel time, the target takes 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10% (+2% per 100 ability power) of target’s current health in magic damage and is feared for a short duration. Terrify has a minimum damage threshold and is capped at 400 against monsters.

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