How do you use courtesies in a sentence?

How do you use courtesies in a sentence?

Examples of ‘courtesies’ in a sentence courtesies

  1. He was obviously accustomed to physical work, and to getting things accomplished rather than wading through protocol and courtesies.
  2. He cares about the courtesies that should always be a part of the game.

What are 5 sentences examples?

5 sentences: The police department in my town is just around the corner from my house. Every summer I try to find the biggest tree around to climb. My mom always complains that my socks stink after I get home from camp.

What are examples of courtesy?

The definition of courtesy is polite behavior and the showing of proper manners or is a polite and socially proper act. An example of courtesy is when you shake hands politely when you meet someone and say please and thank you. An example of a courtesy is the practice of saying thank you.

How do I use courtesy?

1 : polite behavior that shows respect for other people They treated us with courtesy and kindness. He didn’t even have the common courtesy [=he was not even as polite as people can usually be expected to be] to say goodbye when he left.

What is resourceful sentence?

able to overcome difficulties or to cleverly make do with what is available to create a solution. Examples of Resourceful in a sentence. 1. The more resourceful you are, the better able you are to deal with unexpected situations. 2.

What is a courtesy statement?

A courtesy is a polite remark or respectful act. And if something is kindly presented to you free of charge, the gift-giver may say it’s “courtesy of” someone special.

What is example of courtesy?

The definition of courtesy is polite behavior and the showing of proper manners or is a polite and socially proper act. An example of courtesy is when you shake hands politely when you meet someone and say please and thank you. An example of a courtesy is the practice of saying thank you. noun.

What are the best examples for courtesy?

The definition of courtesy is polite behavior and the showing of proper manners or is a polite and socially proper act. An example of courtesy is when you shake hands politely when you meet someone and say please and thank you. An example of a courtesy is the practice of saying thank you.

How do you use courtesy in a sentence?

The search is to be conducted with all the courtesy consistent with thoroughness.

  • I was glad to thank him for his courtesy in this matter,and for more substantial help.
  • She had a coaxing way,which his stately old-school courtesy never could resist.
  • On this particular morning,however,neighbourly courtesy could no longer keep down just wrath.
  • What are courtesy sentences?

    She also suggests keeping greetings brief as a courtesy to callers.

  • In early June,they paid a courtesy visit to Starr.
  • There is a courtesy that exists in the trade association business,
  • None of these is either a passenger or a courtesy case.
  • This is a courtesy usually meant for first-time visitors.
  • Not even a courtesy call,as Martinez has wryly noted.
  • What is the other definition of courtesy?

    courtesy. ( ˈkɜːtɪsɪ) n, pl -sies. 1. politeness; good manners . 2. a courteous gesture or remark. 3. favour or consent (esp in the phrase by courtesy of) 4. common consent as opposed to right (esp in the phrase by courtesy ). See also courtesy title. 5. an archaic spelling of curtsy.

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