How do you set up a discus tank?

How do you set up a discus tank?

The tank should typically be placed between 1 and 1.2 meters above the ground. Placing the tank to high up has been to known to alter the behavior of the discus fish, and properly placing the tank provides a sense of security for the fish that will only benefit in the long run.

What size tank do I need for 2 discus?

What Size Tank Do You Need for Discus? Bigger is always better, so we personally recommend a 75-gallon aquarium or larger. You can do a 55-gallon tank, but then you’re forced to do a lot of water changes. Remember that these fish get big, usually 5 to 7 inches in diameter if you’re doing things right.

Can discus be kept in a community tank?

Discus are cichlids, meaning that they demonstrate brood care and protect their eggs and fry from others. Although they are community fish and safe with small fish, a community tank containing Discus only works if the conditions the Discus need are met first and foremost.

How much flow does a discus tank need?

A complete turnover of at least four times an hour is suggested as being suitable. An example of adequate filter capacity for a 55 gallon tank would be to use a filter rated for tanks up to 70 or 80 gallons, and which has an average water flow rate of 200 or more gallons per hour.

How many discus Can I put in a 55 gallon tank?

3-5 discus should be doable in a 55gal aquarium as long as water changes are kept up with. A general rule you can follow is one discus per 10 gallons. Since these fish are tall, do not keep them in shallow tanks.

Do discus fish like fast flowing?

Because Discus come from slow moving waters they are not comfortable in fast flows. Thus, you do not want to select an overpowered filter. Under-gravel filters should never be used in a Discus Aquarium. Deep aquariums may require more wattage per gallon, but, because Discus prefer moderate lighting, don’t overdo it.

Does discus like flow?

Registered. Best I can tell you in general terms is that discus can and do tolerate, and may even care for, a low to moderate level of water flow and surface agitation.

Is 55 gallon too small for discus?

Most discus in the common aquarium max out at 4.5-6 inches. Based on this size range, the minimum tank size would be a 55 gallon tank, but the bigger the better for these guys. 3-5 discus should be doable in a 55gal aquarium as long as water changes are kept up with.

How to set up the perfect refugium in your tank?

When it comes to setting up the perfect refugium, you have to have the right substrate. It all depends on what you are wanting to keep in your refugium. If your refugium is small with little algae and creatures in, you could get away with no substrate and maybe a few rubble rocks.

What do you need to set up a discus tank?

Discus Tank Optional Components An aquarium heater A water filter An air pump Thermometer Water test kits Water changing kit Aquarium cleaning kit Lights and Hoods [1] – An Aquarium Heater – This is compulsory in setting up an aquarium.

Why do you need a refugium in an aquarium?

Good lighting will help the macro grow faster. Copepods are useful organisms to grow in a refugium to help maintain the health and quality of the main tank. They help filter the tank by snacking on bacteria and other excess nutrients in the tank to keep the tank clean and healthy.

Where is the hang on back refugium in an aquarium?

It’s usually placed below the aquarium and contains equipment you prefer not to have on display in your tank (e.g, heater, protein skimmer, etc). Hang-on back refugiums are located at the back of the aquarium tank and connected to the main tank through a U-tube.

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