What should I put in my parakeets cage?

What should I put in my parakeets cage?

Parakeets need the basics in their cage: perches, feeding and drinking bowls, something to chew on, a swing, some toys, a bird bath, and something to line the bottom of the cage.

What accessories do parakeets need?


  • Habitat. (min 18Wx18Dx18H)
  • Habitat Paper or Litter.
  • Habitat Cover.
  • Variety of Perches. (at least 4″ long and 3/8″ in diameter)
  • High-Quality Parakeet Food.
  • Millet Spray.
  • Cuttlebone.
  • Cuttlebone/Millet Holder.

What do parakeets like in their cage?

Parakeets are smart birds that need sufficient mental stimulation to avoid boredom and stress. Place a variety of perches and toys in their cage, particularly bells, mirrors, and items of different colors and shapes that will intrigue the birds.

What should I put in my bird’s cage?

Starting Off Right: Must Have Bird Supplies

  1. Food. Pet birds need a formulated diet, meaning food pellets specifically for birds, as a base diet.
  2. Cage.
  3. Perch.
  4. Water and food bowls.
  5. Cage liners.
  6. A hiding place.
  7. Toys.
  8. First aid.

Do parakeets need bedding?

Do Parakeets Need a Bed or Hut For Sleeping? Parakeets love snuggling up for bedtime and many actually like to lay down on soft, flat surfaces as they wind down for the night! So, to answer the question, NO parakeets do not need a sleeping bed or hut.

Should I let my parakeet fly around the house?

Flying Time Budgies need exercise and socialization time to stay healthy. Let trained budgies out of their cages into a safe room every day and allow them to fly around for an hour or so. Untrained birds also require time outside their cages but you may want to have their wings clipped for safety.

How can I tell what gender my parakeet is?

One way how to tell the gender of a parakeet is to check its cere, the band of raised fleshy skin located above the nostrils. The male parakeet has a cere that is either a pink, blue, or purplish-blue color. The female parakeet has a cere that is either white, light tan, or light blue.

Where should I keep my parakeets cage?

Where to Put a Parakeet Cage

  • The cage should be at chest or head height.
  • Put the cage in a place that enables the parakeet to grow accustomed to constant human noise and activity, but not in the middle of a busy room.
  • Make sure one section of the cage is facing a wall.

Can you potty train a parakeet?

Yes, parakeets can be potty trained to poop in one spot. This really makes a difference when it comes to laundry detail. Potty training a parakeet is similar to training a dog. You need to become familiar with your bird and anticipate when he will need to go.

Do parakeets need a house?

Parakeets love having a safe and secure place of their own where they can relax enough to get multiple hours in a row of restful sleep. There are a big variety of pieces of equipment for parakeet cages out there on the market. So, to answer the question, NO parakeets do not need a sleeping bed or hut.

Should I cover my parakeets cage at night?

As long as a dark, quiet and somewhat secluded area is provided for a bird to sleep in, most will be fine without being covered at night. Remember, however, that sleep is vital to a bird’s well-being. If you are in doubt about your pet’s reaction to being uncovered, play it safe and resume covering the cage at night.

Can I set my parakeet free?

Please do NOT set them free. They will die because they have no survival skills. Those Budgies you bought were born and raised in captivity and have no idea how to look for food, build nests, etc. Also, Budgies in the wild live in HUGE flocks of thousands.

What items should be in a parakeet’s cage?

What Items Should Be in a Parakeet’s Cage? Food and Water Dishes. First things first: you have to provide food and water, of course! Cuttlebones. Have a cuttlebone hanging from the cage at all times. Bedding. The simplest bedding option is used newspaper laid down on the bottom of the cage. Birdbath. Playthings. Swings and Perches.

What is the best cage for parakeets?

Flight cages are considered ideal for parakeets. These cages are wider and deeper than regular parakeet cages and give the birds more opportunity to stretch their wings.

How do you set up a parakeet cage?

Setting up Your Parakeet’s Habitat Place the cage in a warm, active room. Choose an easy-to-clean area to put your cage. Pick out a few perches of different sizes. Make sure your bird has access to food and fresh water. Buy a cuttlebone and mineral block. Give your parakeet toys that provide physical and mental stimulation.

What size cage is best for a parakeet?

Dimensions. The recommended size for one parakeet is 25 inches tall and 25 inches deep.

  • Shape. Tall cages work best for parakeets.
  • Bar Size. Choose a cage that has horizontal bars.
  • Materials. The proper sized cage is important,as is the material it is made of.
  • Factors to Consider.
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