What is magnetic effect of electric current definition?

What is magnetic effect of electric current definition?

Magnetic effect of electric current – ” The production of magnetic field around a conducting wire when electric current is allowed to flow through it, is called magnetic field of electric current.”

What is magnetic effect of current short answer?

Answer: A motor works on the principle of magnetic effect of current. When a rectangular coil is placed in a magnetic field and current is passed through it, a force acts on the coil which rotates it continuously. When the coil rotates, the shaft attached to it also rotates.

What do you understand about magnetic effect of current?

The direction of magnetic field through a current carrying conductor is determined by the direction of flow of electric current. THIS is known as magnetic effect of current.

What do you mean by magnetic effect of electric current class 12?

When an electric current passes through a wire, it behaves like a magnet. This is the magnetic effect of the electric current. If the electric current does not passes through, it loses its magnetic effect. These coils of wire is called electromagnets.

What is magnetic effect of current for Class 7?

When electric current passes through a wire, the current-carrying wire behaves like a magnet. This is called the magnetic effect of current. The magnetic effect of current is utilised in making electromagnets, electric bells, telephone instruments, electric fans, electric motors, loudspeakers and toys etc.

What is meant by magnetic current?

Magnetic current is, nominally, a current composed of fictitious moving magnetic monopoles. It has the dimensions of volts. The usual symbol for magnetic current is which is analogous to for electric current.

What are the examples of magnetic effect of electric current?


  • MRI scan machine.
  • Refrigerators.
  • Electric motors.
  • compass.
  • Headphone.

Which of the following is magnetic effect of electric current?

Electromagnet is the example of magnetic effect of electric current.

What is magnetic effect of current class 10th?

Also called the oersted’s experiment, found that the direction of flow of electric current determines the magnetic field through the current carrying conductor. If the current is flowing from south to north, then the direction of the magnetic field will be anticlockwise, and vice- versa.

How to understand the magnetic effect of an electric current?

Let us understand Magnetic Effect of Electric Current using a simple experiment: Suppose a straight current-carrying conductor is hung vertically, and an electric current is flowing from north to south i.e from up to down. In this situation, the direction of the magnetic field will be clockwise.

How is the magnetic field of a current carrying conductor visualized?

The magnetic field of a straight current-carrying conductor can be visualized by magnetic field lines. The direction of a magnetic field produced due to a current-carrying conductor rely upon the same direction in which the current is flowing The direction of the electric field gets reversed if the direction of electric current changes.

When does the direction of the magnetic field change?

The direction of the electric field gets reversed if the direction of electric current changes. Suppose a straight current-carrying conductor is hung vertically, and an electric current is flowing from north to south i.e from up to down. In this situation, the direction of the magnetic field will be clockwise.

How are electricity and magnetism related to each other?

The electricity and magnetism are linked to each other and it is proved when the electric current passes through the copper wire, it produces a magnetic effect. The electromagnetic effects first time noticed by Hans Christian Oersted.

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