How many steps are in pole top rescue?

How many steps are in pole top rescue?

Pole Top Rescue

  • There are four basic steps in pole top rescue.
  • When there is an injured worker on a pole, the first thing you should do is? .
  • If the victim of a pole top accident is no longer in contact with energized conductors, you should proceed with the rescue.

What is a pole top rescue?

In the Pole Top Rescue scenario, linemen place an emergency radio call, don climbing gear, climb 20 feet up a utility pole, rig a rope, lower a 105-pound mannequin and begin lifesaving procedures. Judges time the runs and watch every move, adding to a competitor’s time for any lapses in safety procedures.

What is the first and most critical step when performing a self rescue?

Most rescue situations follow the same critical steps: 1 – Accessing the victim, 2 – Releasing the victim from the structure, 3 – Evacuating the victim to lower them to the ground (a tandem descent or lowering them with a device).

How do you do a pole top rescue with a screwdriver?

The screwdriver method is recommended for rescue on clear poles or on poles where the hardware does not lend itself to easy rigging of the hand-line. On all poles, drive the screwdriver into the pole approximately two feet above the victim’s head to a depth of approximately two inches.

When heavy extrication tools are required to force a damaged door open you should?

When heavy extrication tools are required to force a damaged door open, you should: avoid trying to force a door open if the patient is leaning against it. In a four-door vehicle, the B posts are located: between the front and rear doors.

When assisting with a helicopter landing at night you should?

A helicopter landing zone should be: 100 feet by 100 feet in size and on a surface that is firm, level, and free of debris. When assisting with a helicopter landing at night, you should: avoid shining a spotlight up at the descending aircraft.

What is the most appropriate order for attempting to rescue a victim before entering the water?

What is the MOST appropriate order for attempting to rescue a victim before entering the water? Reach, throw, and row.

How do you mark LZ at night?

Nighttime LZ: Use strobe kits or vehicle headlights to mark the LZ. Flashlights placed inside orange cones are highly visible markers.

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