What is brood pouch in cockroach?

What is brood pouch in cockroach?

The abdomen in both male and female cockroach consists of 10 segments. In females, the 7th sternum is boat-shaped and together with the 8th and 9th sterna form a brood or genital pouch whose anterior part consists of female gonopore, spermathecal pores and collateral glands.

Is brood pouch present in male cockroach?

The brood pouch is formed by the union of-7, 8, 9 sternae in the female cockroach. In the anterior part of the genital pouch, gonopores, spermathecal pores and collateral gland openings are present. The genital pouch is found in the male cockroach between the 9th and 10th terga and the 9th sterna.

What is the definition of brood pouch?

: a sac or cavity of the body of an animal where the eggs or embryos are received and undergo a part of their development.

How many structures are opening into brood pouch of cockroach?

In female, 7th sternum is large, boat-shaped and along with 8th and 9th sterna forms brood pouch….Question : How is brood pouch formed in female cockroach?

Question How is brood pouch formed in female cockroach?
Chapter Name Structural Organisation In Animals
Subject Biology (more Questions)
Class 12th
Type of Answer Video & Text

Which abdominal sternum form the brood pouch in female cockroach?

a. In females, the 7th sternum is boat shaped and together with the 8th and 9th sterna forms a brood or genital pouch whose anterior part contains female gonopore, spermathecal pores and collateral glands.

How is a brood pouch formed in a female cockroach name the parts present it?

Answer: female cockroach the sterna of the 8th and 9th abdominal segments in folds, resulting in the formation of a brood pouch. Brood pouch is a sac like cavity in the female cockroach in which in eggs and the embryos are developed.

Which segments join together to form a brood pouch in cockroach?

The abdomen of a cockroach consists of 10 segments in both male and female cockroaches. In females, the sclerites of the 8th and 9th segments are overlapped by the sclerite of the 7th segment. The 7th sclerite is boat-shaped. It forms a brood pouch together with the 8th and 9th sterna.

What is brood pouch in fish?

n. 1. ( Zoology) a pouch or cavity in certain animals, such as frogs and fishes, in which their eggs develop and hatch.

How many structures are opening separately in the brood pouch of female cockroach?

Brood pouch is a sac like cavity in the female cockroach in which in eggs and the embryos are developed. There are ten abdominal segments in the adult but in the embryo it is eleven segmented.

Which of these pairs of abdominal segments are a part of brood pouch of female cockroach?

Clarification: The 8th and 9th segments of the abdomen of the female cockroach are a part of the brood pouch or the genital pouch. The genital pouch is made of the 8th, 9th and boat – shaped 7th segments.

What is the job of the males brood pouch?

Male seahorses and pipefish have evolved specialized brooding pouches that provide protection, gas exchange, osmoregulation, and limited nutrient provisioning to developing embryos.

Which male fish has brood pouch for parental care?

Seahorses (Pisces: Syngnathidae) possess the unique characteristic of male pregnancy; i.e., males, not females, incubate embryos in a specialized structure called a ‘brood pouch’. The brood pouch is formed along the ventral midline of the tail.

Where can I find brown banded cockroaches in my house?

Brown-banded cockroaches like warm, indoor areas. They are often found hiding behind pictures on walls, in piles of clutter or in the hollow parts of furniture. These roaches also gather near larger appliances such as refrigerators or TVs, as the electrical components give off heat.

What kind of roach is a brown banded Roach?

The brown-banded cockroach is about one-half of an inch in its adult stage. Female roaches are dark brown, while the males are a golden-tan. Both male and female brown-banded roaches have light-colored bands across their wings and abdomen. Male roaches fly if disturbed, but female roaches do not fly at all.

What kind of body does a cockroach have?

Morphology – Body of cockroach is dorsoventrally compressed and mathematically segmented. Entire body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen. Head contains pair of antennae, a pair of compound eyes and a pair of fenestrae.

Are there pleura in the last segment of a cockroach?

Actually there is no evidence of the presence of any pleurons in the last segment in our text book. Moreover, there are no abdominal spiracles in the 9th and 10th segments so there is no particular reason to say that pleura are present in the 9th and 10th segments as well.

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