Is it safe to use tea tree oil suppositories?

Is it safe to use tea tree oil suppositories?

Tea Tree oil helps calm symptoms of infections by bringing your vaginal pH back into balance. It is natural, safe, effective and OBGYN approved. Remove one suppository by peeling back plastic strips at the bottom of the package. DO NOT TAKE ORALLY.

How long do tea tree suppositories last?

As your vagina heals, it’s common to experience a little discharge, so we recommend using a pantyliner as backup. Repeat this process every night for 6 days. If your symptoms continue, keep using the suppositories for another week.

Can tea tree oil be used for BV?

Tea tree oil Tea tree oil has powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help treat bacterial vaginosis. One small study done in vitro reported successful treatment of bacterial vaginosis with only tea tree oil.

How do you make a tea tree suppository?


  1. Place melted coconut oil into a small jar.
  2. Add the tea tree oil and lavender essential oil drops into your melted coconut oil and mix well.
  3. Pour your mixture into your suppository molds.
  4. Place the molds into the freezer for several minutes before using.

Can tea tree oil cure fungal infection?

Tea tree oil comes from the leaves of the Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree. It’s known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Some research suggests tea tree oil might be useful for treating fungal infections like ringworm of the body or scalp, as well as athlete’s foot and nail fungus.

How do you stop BV?

What can help prevent BV from coming back again?

  1. Pay attention to vaginal hygiene. You don’t need to do much to keep your vaginal area clean.
  2. Wear breathable underwear.
  3. Ask about boric acid suppositories.
  4. Use condoms.
  5. Maintain a healthy vaginal pH.
  6. Take a probiotic.
  7. Find healthy ways to destress.

How do you get rid of recurring BV?

How do you make homemade suppositories?

How To Make Your Own Herbal Suppositories

  1. Combine the cocoa butter and coconut oil in a small saucepan.
  2. Add the calendula-infused oil and powdered herb(s) of your choice to the saucepan while the cocoa butter and coconut oil are still melted.
  3. Pour the suppository mixture into clean suppository molds.

How long does tea tree oil take to cure fungus?

According to a 2013 study, tea tree oil was effective in reducing growth of the fungus Trichophyton rubrum in nail infections. T. rubrum is a fungus that can cause infections such as athlete’s foot and nail fungus. Improvements were seen after 14 days.

Which oil is best for fungal infection?

Currently, the main essential oils studied for their antifungal activity are thyme oil, rich in thymol and carvacrol, tea tree oil rich in terpenes, and peppermint or clove oil [19], although many others have also been shown to be effective against fungi.

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