Do Lupin come back every year?

Do Lupin come back every year?

Lupins are perennial (i.e. they come up year after year) shrubs which start into growth after the last frosts, produce their first flush of flowers in late May / June and can continue flowering into early August if dead-headed correctly (see below).

Is lupine annual or perennial?


genus name Lupinus
plant type Annual Perennial
height 1 to 3 feet 3 to 8 feet
width 1 to 1.5 feet wide
flower color Blue Purple Red White Pink Yellow

How tall do blue lupins grow?

The mixed variety flowers in shades of pink, purple, blue, yellow and white – growing about 50cm high. This year we have added two more colours to our lupin family. Blue lupin is available now and blooms in shades of blue to violet.

Where is the best place to plant lupine?


  • Lupines prefer moist, sandy, well-drained soil and cool temperatures.
  • Select a spot in full sun or light shade.
  • Loosen the soil to a depth of about 1 to 1-½ foot.
  • Sow seeds directly in the ground in early spring or fall.

Do lupins grow well in pots?

They will grow very well in a large container. Put a piece of broken crock over the drainage hole to prevent silt blocking the hole. Fill with good quality loam-based compost mixed with a little horticultural grit to improve the drainage. Plant at the same depth as it is in the pot and water after planting.

What to do with lupins when they have finished flowering?

You have two main choices for what to do with your Lupins after they have flowered, you can deadhead the flower spike. This will encourage new flower growth giving you another beautiful floral display and extend the flowering season of the lupin. Or, you could let the flower go to seed.

Is lupine a hardy?

Lupines are remarkably hardy (Z3-8), but in climates south of zone 6 the perennial hybrids work best used as annuals or biennials as they do not tolerate hot, humid summers well.

Will lupines spread?

Lupines are deep rooted and do not spread except through re-seeding. Seeds will not come true to the original variety planted, but will eventually revert to blue-violet and white.

What time of year do you plant lupins?

Although there is some leeway with when to plant (we mentioned February to September for sowing earlier), Lupins stand to do best when sown in early March, hardened off in late April and planted out in early May. If you are harvesting seeds, this should be done in late summer, around early August.

Do lupins like sun or shade?

full sun
All lupins like well-drained soil in full sun. Avoid planting in shade, as flowering will be poor.

Do lupine plants spread?

Can you put lupins in pots?

When rooted, plant your lupin firmly where it is to flower, be it in a pot (yes, you can grow lupins in pots) or in a garden and water it in. A high potash feed of tomato feed or Vitax will give good flower colour if in pots. Do not use farmyard manure, even well rotted, as it will rot the crowns.

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