How do you say the numbers in French?

How do you say the numbers in French?

Numbers 1-10 in French

  1. un.
  2. deux.
  3. trois.
  4. quatre.
  5. cinq.
  6. six.
  7. sept.
  8. huit.

What are 20 numbers in French?

French Numbers: 20-59

20 vingt trente
21 vingt et un trente et un
22 vingt-deux trente-deux
23 vingt-trois trente-trois
24 vingt-quatre trente-quatre

Why does French use base-20?

This is supposedly as they used their feet as well as their hands to count. Fingers and toes included, you get twenty. Many believe it ended up in French due to the influence of the Celts in France, whose languages use the base 20 system.

Who uses base20?

A base-20 number system was used by the Aztecs and Mayans. The Mayans compiled extensive observations of planetary positions in base-20 notation.

How to say the numbers from 0 to 20 in French?

Listen to the vocabulary using the Audio Player, Just click on the words. how to say the Numbers from 0 to 20 in French. 0. Zéro/ Zero 1. Un, une/ One 2. Deux/ Two 3. Trois/ Three 4. Quatre/ Four 5. Cinq/ Five 6. Six/ Six 7. Sept/ Seven 8. Huit/ Eight 9. Neuf/ Nine 10. Dix/ Ten 11. Onze/ Eleven 12. Douze/ Twelve 13. Treize/ Thirteen 14.

How many numbers do you need to learn in French?

French numbers really are quite simple to learn, in fact you only need to learn 30 or so numbers/words and you’ll have mastered all French numbers! To make things easier for you we’ve broken down the numbers in to smaller sections. Each of these pages come with a short video you can watch to learn the correct pronunciation.

How do you pronounce deux in French?

Deux, we don’t pronounce the x, but in a liaison it is said like a z: deux amis = deu zami. The same thing for trois= trois amis (zamis)

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