Which chemical is used for management of little leaf of brinjal?

Which chemical is used for management of little leaf of brinjal?

Spray with dimethoate 0.3%

In which year was little leaf of brinjal first reported in India?

The infected plants are characterized by little leaves, proliferation of shoots, phyllody and stunting (Rao et al. 2010). The disease was first reported by Thomas and Krishnaswami (1939) in India, and later, several biological aspects of the disease have been described (Varma et al.

Which part of brinjal is edible?

In berries, the entire outer wall of the fruit called the pericarp, ripens up and becomes edible. So, pericarp happens to be an edible part in brinjal. In brinjal, along with the pericarp, the placenta is also edible.

What is the botanical name of brinjal?

Solanum melongena
Aubergine/Scientific names

Introduction. Brinjal eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is a warm-weather crop mostly cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Two other cultivated eggplant species, the scarlet eggplant (S. aethiopicum L.)

Which insect is transmitting little leaf of brinjal?

The disease is caused by a plant pathogenic mollicute, Phytoplasma (earlier known as mycoplasmalike organism or MLO) and is transmitted by the insect vector, Hishimonus phycitis which belongs to the group of leafhoppers.

What causes little leaf disease?

Identification: Littleleaf disease is caused by the fungus Phytopthora cinnamomi. Several factors contribute to the disease complex including: low soil fertility (mainly nitrogen deficiency), heavy clay soils or soils with a hardpan, poor soil drainage, and the presence of nematodes and the Pythium fungus.

Which is the vector for little leaf of brinjal?

What is the chromosome number of brinjal?

Like tomato and pepper, eggplant is an autogamous diploid with 12 chromosomes (2n = 24).

What is another name for brinjal?

Eggplant (US, Australia, New Zealand, anglophone Canada), aubergine (UK, Ireland, Quebec, and most of mainland Western Europe) or brinjal (South Asia, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa) is a plant species in the nightshade family Solanaceae. Solanum melongena is grown worldwide for its edible fruit.

What is brinjal called in English?

Eggplant(Baingan) Also known as Brinjal or Aubergine. Botanically it is a fruit which is widely used in Indian cuisine. Infact it is native to the Indian subcontinent.

What is the shape of brinjal Leaf?

Brinjal is a rather small plant that grows up to 1.5 m. Brinjal is classified as a herb because of its non-woody stem. Its simple leaves are oblong to oval, slightly lobed, with its underside a paler green than the upper surface.

What type of leaf is brinjal?

Brinjal is classified as a herb because of its non-woody stem. Its simple leaves are oblong to oval, slightly lobed, with its underside a paler green than the upper surface. Both leaves and stem are covered with fine hairs. Its flowers sprout singly or in small clusters from the leaf axils.

What does little leaf of brinjal look like?

LITTLE LEAF OF BRINJAL • In India reported from Coimbatore in 1838 • Occurred in all states of India • Loss – till 90% 3. Symptoms • Leaves & plant become small • Node & internodes reduce in size • Leaves – yellowing • Plants look like- bush • No fruiting if form they become –small and hard

Which is the most serious disease of brinjal?

(November 2018) Little leaf of brinjal or eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is one of the most serious diseases of brinjal in the areas of its cultivation. Little leaf of brinjal is known to cause heavy economic losses in India.

How did eggplants come to be called Vatin Gana?

According to the entry brinjal in the Oxford English Dictionary, the Sanskrit word vātin-gāna denoted ‘the class (that removes) the wind-disorder (windy humour)’: that is, vātin-gāna came to be the name for eggplants because they were thought to cure flatulence.

Is the aubergine an unrecorded plant in England?

The aubergine is unrecorded in England until the 16th century. An English botany book in 1597 described the madde or raging Apple: This plant groweth in Egypt almost everywhere… bringing foorth fruite of the bignes of a great Cucumber….


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