How do you use such in a sentence?

How do you use such in a sentence?

Such sentence example

  1. I never saw such small pigs before.
  2. Why is everyone in such a hurry?
  3. She was so fortunate to have such a wonderful family.
  4. They would like to have such a life.
  5. He was quiet for a minute and she wondered if he’d given up, but no such luck.
  6. He is handsome, but I’ve never met anyone with such moods!

What is the meaning of in such a way?

“In such a way that” does mean the same as “so that”.

What is the meaning of as such in a sentence?

phrase. You use as such after a noun to indicate that you are considering that thing on its own, separately from other things or factors. House prices are easily upset by factors which have nothing to do with property as such.

How do we use such?

We can use such (as a determiner) before a noun phrase to add emphasis:

  1. We visited such fascinating places on our trip through central Asia.
  2. She has such lovely hair.
  3. She lived in such loneliness. ( formal)
  4. We had such an awful meal at that restaurant!

What can I say instead of as such?

synonyms for as such

  • alone.
  • by and of itself.
  • by definition.
  • by its very nature.
  • by itself.
  • fundamentally.
  • in essence.
  • independently.

What can I say instead of in a way?


  • along these lines.
  • as follows.
  • hence.
  • in kind.
  • in such a way.
  • in this fashion.
  • in this way.
  • just like that.

What is a better way to say in a way?

in its way. to a certain extent. in an approximate manner. in a manner of speaking.

Is as such rude?

It’s not rude, but it is often used unnecessarily, and it does not mean “so” or “hence”. And you should have phrased it “These are not discrepancies as such…” That means that while they could be mistaken for discrepancies, they are not actually discrepancies.

Is it OK to use as such?

Increasingly, the phrase as such is misused as an all-purpose (but grammatically incorrect) transitional phrase. Such is a pronoun that must have an identifiable antecedent, but in today’s usage it often has none.

Is it such a or such an?

Senior Member. Such a for singular countable nouns: Such a fine picnic! Such a shame! Such for uncountable and plural countable nouns: Such strong coffee!

How do you use such and such in a sentence?

You use such and such to refer to a thing or person when you do not want to be exact or precise. I said, “Well, what time’ll I get to Baltimore?” and he said such and such a time but I missed my connection.

What does the word ‘such’ mean?

Definition of such. (Entry 1 of 3) 1a : of a kind or character to be indicated or suggested a bag such as a doctor carries.

What does in such mean?

such, adj. of the like kind: of that quality or character mentioned.-pron. denoting a particular person or thing, as in such and such.-adv. Such’wise , in such a manner.- Such and such , Such or such , this or that, some, indefinitely; Such like ( B. )= Such .

What is the definition of such?

Definition of such (Entry 2 of 3) 1 : such a person or thing. 2 : someone or something stated, implied, or exemplified such was the result. 3 : someone or something similar : similar persons or things tin and glass and such.

What is a synonym for so?

so(adverb) to a very great extent or degree. “the idea is so obvious”; “never been so happy”; “I love you so”; “my head aches so!”. Synonyms: therefore, thence, and then, indeed, thus, and so, hence, thusly, then.

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