What is the religious breakdown of Northern Ireland?

What is the religious breakdown of Northern Ireland?

Like Great Britain (but unlike most of the Republic of Ireland), Northern Ireland has a plurality of Protestants (48% of the resident population are either Protestant, or brought up Protestant, while 45% of the resident population are either Catholic, or brought up Catholic, according to the 2011 census) and its people …

What is the percentage of Catholic and Protestant in Northern Ireland?

Christianity is the main religion in Northern Ireland. The 2011 UK census showed 40.8% Catholic, 19.1% Presbyterian Church, with the Church of Ireland having 13.7% and the Methodist Church 5.0%.

What does the Census tell us about religion in 2011?

In 2011, there were 4.1 million fewer people reporting as Christian (from 72 per cent to 59 per cent of the population), 6.4 million more people reporting no religion (from 15 per cent to 25 per cent) and 1.2 million more people reporting as Muslim (from 3 per cent to 5 per cent).

Which religion has the lowest population as per 2011 census?

Work Participation Rate by Religion Muslims have the lowest participation rate of 31.3 per cent followed by Jains with 32.9 per cent and Sikhs with 37.7 per cent.

Is Northern Ireland Catholic or Protestant?

The majority of Northern Ireland’s population were unionists, who wanted to remain within the United Kingdom. They were generally the Protestant descendants of colonists from Great Britain.

What is the census religion?

Eurostat’s Eurobarometer survey in December 2018 found that 53.6% of UK’s population is Christian, while 6.2% belong to other religions and 40.2% are non-religious (30.3% Agnostics, 9.9% Atheists).

Which religion has lowest literacy rate?

Hindus continue to have the lowest level of educational attainment among all the major religions of the world despite having made strides in the sector, a Pew study said on Wednesday. “Hindus have made substantial educational gains in recent decades.

What are the religions in Northern Ireland?

Religion Demographics of Northern Ireland Religious Demographics. About 93% of the Northern Irish population identifies as Christian, 1% is non-Christian and 6% is not religious. Comparison With The Rest Of Britain. Northern Ireland has more Christians in its population (93%) than Wales (57.6%), Scotland (53.8%), and England (59.4%). Minor Religions. Religious Trends In Ireland.

What are the religious beliefs of Ireland?

Ireland has two main religious groups. The majority of Irish are Roman Catholic, and a smaller number are Protestant (mostly Anglicans and Presbyterians ). However, there is a majority of Protestants in the northern province of Ulster. More Catholics than Protestants emigrated to New Zealand.

Is Northern Ireland Protestant?

Northern Ireland is currently a majority Protestant country. However this appears to be changing, and it is predicted that in 15 – 20 years, there will be more Catholics than Protestants in Northern Ireland.

What are the demographics of Ireland?

The demographics of Ireland constitutes of 2,468,000 women and 2,432,000 men, which means there are 985 men per 1000 women. As far as age distribution goes, 27.7% of population (1,354,850) is 19 or younger, 57.7% of population (2,829,260) is between age 20 and 64 and 14.6% of population (715,400) is over 65.

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