What is the salary of Naib Tehsildar in Kashmir?

What is the salary of Naib Tehsildar in Kashmir?

A Naib Tehsildar belongs to pay band 2. That is the pay scale of the naib tehsildar is ranging from Rs. 9300/- to maximum of Rs. 34, 800/- per month excluding allowances and grade pay.

How can I become Naib Tehsildar?

PPSC Naib Tehsildar Eligibility Criteria: Domicile

  1. The candidate should be a Citizen of India.
  2. The candidate should be a Domicile of Punjab.
  3. The candidate must be residing in Punjab for at least 10 years and must possess the domicile certificate issued by a competent authority.

What is Naib Tehsildar?

In India and Pakistan, a tehsildar is a tax officer accompanied by revenue inspectors. They are in charge of obtaining taxes from a tehsil with regard to land revenue. The immediate subordinate of a tehsildar is known as a Naib Tehsildar. This is akin to an additional deputy commissioner.

What is the duty of Naib Tehsildar?

Their main task being revenue collection, the Tehsildar and Naib Tehsildar have to tour extensively in their areas. The revenue record and the crop statistics are also maintained by them. The Tahsildars and Naib-Tahsildars are responsible for the collection of land revenue and other dues payable to the Government.

What is Naib Tehsildar in English?

A deputy or assistant to an Indian district revenue officer.

What is mean by Naib Tahsildar?

noun. historical. A deputy or assistant to an Indian district revenue officer.

What is the difference between Tehsildar and Naib Tehsildar?

In India and Pakistan, a tehsildar is a tax officer accompanied by revenue inspectors. They are in charge of obtaining taxes from a tehsil with regard to land revenue. A tehsildar is also known as an Executive Magistrate of the tehsil concerned. The immediate subordinate of a tehsildar is known as a Naib Tehsildar.

What is the syllabus of PPSC Naib Tehsildar exam?

The PPSC Naib Tehsildar Syllabus consists of the important topics asked in the examination of PPSC. There are three subjects in the written test of the Naib Tehsildar exam. The candidates should always follow the important topics as per the official syllabus.

Which is the written test of Naib in Punjab?

The PPSC Naib Tehsildar Exam 2021 consists of the written test. The commission only conducts a single written test to select candidates for the post of Naib Tehsildar under Punjab Government. The candidates who are aspiring for the examination should check the exam pattern in detail to get an idea of what could be asked in the examination.

How is hppsc Tehsildar chosen in Himachal Pradesh?

The selection of the applicants of Himachal Pradesh PSC Tehsildar Jobs is based on the merit obtained in the written examination. So that it is very helpful for the Job hunters to know the HPPSC Tehsildar Syllabus and Exam pattern to score well.

Which is the Staff Selection Board in Jammu and Kashmir?

The Jammu and Kashmir Staff Selection Board (JKSSB) has released the job notification for Forest guard recruitment. JKSSB is the J&K staff recruitment agency of the state of Jammu and Kashmir which conducts recruitment to their vacancies across departments.

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