How much ephedrine is in Sida cordifolia?

How much ephedrine is in Sida cordifolia?

SIDA CORDIFOLIA EPHEDRINE ACTIVITY However, the quantities are low, with less than 2% of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine found in the leaves of Sida cordifolia. Ephedrine is known to stimulate the central nervous system (CNS), and as such can enhance weight loss.

Is Sida cordifolia legal in the UK?

Sida cordifolia and the law: Sida cordifolia is not listed under the Misuse of Drugs Act, and is therefore legal to sell and possess.

What is Bala Herb?

Description. Bala powder, also known as Sida cordifolia powder is an extract from an Ayurvedic herb used for its medicinal and beautifying properties. The powder is anti-inflammatory in nature and its external application reduces arthritis pain and joint stiffness.

Is valerian root legal in UK?

The regulations will cover widely used products such as echinacea, St John’s Wort and valerian, as well as traditional Chinese and Indian medicines. From now on only products that have been assessed by the Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) will be allowed to go on sale.

Is Touch Me Not plant good for home?

Every household has antiseptic liquids, but in case you run out of it or couldn’t find it, use touch me not leaves, as it has healing properties. As per the reports, it can subside pain and help to heal any sort of wound much faster.

How tall and wide does Sida cordifolia get?

Sida cordifolia is perennial herb that grows 30mts in height. Bala Leaves are oblong or ovate and are 2.5-7cm long and 2.5-5cm broad with 6-7 veins. Bala leaves are serrate, truncate and heart-shaped. Plant bears small, solitary, axillary and white or yellow colored flowers.

What are the medicinal uses of Sida cordifolia?

It is a useful herb to treat broad variety of ailments such as Vata roga, Pitta roga, bronchial asthma, fever, dry cough, nervous debility, infertility, emaciation, etc. Bala is used in formulation of medicated oil for treating joint pain, swelling and massaging.

Is it safe to take Sida cordifolia during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Sida cordifolia is LIKELY UNSAFE. Do not use. Chest pain (angina): Sida cordifolia can make angina worse because it stimulates the heart. Sida cordifolia is unsafe for anyone to use, but it is particularly unsafe if you have angina. Do not use.

Is it safe to use Sida cordifolia for angina?

Chest pain (angina): Sida cordifolia can make angina worse because it stimulates the heart. Sida cordifolia is unsafe for anyone to use, but it is particularly unsafe if you have angina. Do not use.

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