How do you code a dash in HTML?

How do you code a dash in HTML?

To type a hyphen in html or Microsoft Word, just press the hyphen key. The html codes for the en dash are – or –; To type an en dash in Microsoft Word, press the Ctrl and minus sign keys on the numeric keypad (on a standard keyboard). Or press the Alt key while typing 0150 on the numeric keypad.

What is dash in HTML?

Dash is a web application framework that provides pure Python abstraction around HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Instead of writing HTML or using an HTML templating engine, you compose your layout using Python structures with the dash-html-components library.

What is the code for em dash?

To make an em dash, press and hold Alt, then type 0151.

What is HTML DIV in dash?

A Div component. Div is a wrapper for the HTML5 element. For detailed attribute info see: Access this documentation in your Python terminal with: >>> help(dash.html.Div)

How do you insert an en dash?

To insert an en dash, click where you want to insert the en dash and then press Ctrl + – (minus sign on the numeric keypad).

Is Ga dash good?

The hyphen, commonly known as a dash (though this is typographically not correct), is the only spacing character allowed in a domain name. That makes it the only option for when you want to register a domain name with two words in it and you don’t want to—or can’t—mash them together with no space between them.

How do you make a dash?

3. 1. Inserting an em-dash in Word

  1. For Mac: press “option+shift+hyphen key”.
  2. For desktop PC: press “alt+ctrl+minus” on the numeric keypad (the number section on the far right of your keyboard).

How do you insert an em dash?

To insert an em dash, click where you want to insert the em dash and then press Ctrl + Alt + – (minus sign on the numeric keypad). To insert an en dash, click where you want to insert the en dash and then press Ctrl + – (minus sign on the numeric keypad). If this doesn’t work, press NumLock on the numeric keypad.

How do I insert an em dash?

For an em-dash, hold down the Alt key and type 0151, then release the Alt key. That’s it! For an en-dash, hold down the Alt key and type 0150, then release the Alt key.

What is the latest version of HTML?


The official logo of the latest version, HTML5
Filename extension .html .htm
Developed by WHATWG
Initial release 1993
Latest release Living Standard (2021)

How to use en dash code in HTML?

Type either the entity number or entity name where you’d like the en dash to appear. Here’s how you use the HTML entity number to display an en dash. This example uses the entity names to display the en dash. Here’s an example of using an en dash within a sentence.

What do you call character codes in HTML?

HTML character references are short bits of HTML, commonly referred to as character entities or entity codes, that are used to display characters that have special meaning in HTML as well as characters that don’t appear on your keyboard. Characters with special meaning in HTML are called reserved characters.

What do you mean by Dashboard in HTML?

A dashboard is a set of pages that represent all the information a site owner needs to know in real time so they can make informed decisions about their website and business.

Which is the correct way to format a character in HTML?

In HTML, there are three different ways to format a character entity. You can use the character name, a Unicode value, or a number. For example, an ampersand may be displayed using any of the following entities: &, &, or &.

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