How do you remember the 45 presidents in order?

How do you remember the 45 presidents in order?

Let’s start with the list of images for each name, then we’ll weave it into a linked story:

  1. Washington – washing machine.
  2. Adams – apples (as in Adam’s Apples)
  3. Jefferson – chef (chef-erson)
  4. Madison – maid (maid-ison)
  5. Monroe – man rowing.
  6. Quincy Adams – squinting at a dam.
  7. Jackson – Michael Jackson.
  8. Van Buren – van burning.

How do you memorize the presidents and years?

The letters that represent the last names of these presidents are W, A, J, M, M, A, J, V. One silly sentence to help you remember this sequence is: Wilma and John made merry and just vanished.

How do you memorize a list?

Try these seven ways to enhance your total recall:

  1. Convert words to pictures.
  2. Use memory spots.
  3. Stacking.
  4. Use rhymes.
  5. Use mnemonic devices.
  6. Work specifically on names.
  7. Use pictorial storage to remember lists of items.

How can I study all the presidents?

Who are the presidents in order?


  • George Washington (1789–1797)
  • John Adams (1797–1801)
  • Thomas Jefferson (1801–1809)
  • James Madison (1809–1817)
  • James Monroe (1817–1825)
  • John Quincy Adams (1825–1829)
  • Andrew Jackson (1829–1837)
  • Martin Van Buren (1837–1841)

Do you have to memorize all of the presidents?

You don’t have to memorize all of the presidents in the same Memory Palace. You also don’t have to memorize all of them at once. What you will need, however, is a strategy, and the Memory Palace technique is the best for reasons we’re about to explore.

How often should you write the names of the presidents?

For the presidents, I would suggest you work in small sets of 2-10 names. Keep a Memory Journal that includes your Memory Palace drawings. Then test yourself in writing about 5 times the first day – or more often. There is no magic number, which is why I created this video on the problem of learning to create your own “repetition rules.”

How many names do you need to memorize a list?

The current list involves 45 names. That means your Memory Palace needs to have 45 different “loci.” That’s the Ancient Greek term used when talking about the Method of Loci. This has also been called the Roman Room method. To make things more contemporary, I now call these “loci,” “Magnetic Stations.”

What are the names of the next Presidents?

The next presidents’ names start with L, J, G, H, G, A, C, H. Abraham Lincoln. Andrew Johnson. Ulysses S. Grant. Rutherford B. Hayes. James A. Garfield. Chester A. Arthur. Grover Cleveland.

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