What is the average cost of gravestone engraving?

What is the average cost of gravestone engraving?

The price will also vary subject to the stone and technique used. You should plan on spending $500 to $1500 on average for engraving. This estimate is based on industry averages of $20 to $25 per character and half that amount for extra wording. For example, 30 characters of engraving will cost $600 to $750.

What is a grave stone maker called?

Monumental masonry (also known as memorial masonry) is a kind of stonemasonry focused on the creation, installation and repairs of headstones (also known as gravestones and tombstones) and other memorials.

Who is responsible for gravestones?

“Generally the family is responsible for the headstone,” said Janway.

How much does it cost to have a name added to a headstone?

Your starting price for a smaller sized headstone will run you around $500 USD for around 20 letters, extra letters costing $7.00 per character. A larger stone will cost anywhere from $2,000 to $4,000 USD depending if it is hand-carved or machined.

What is the least expensive grave marker?

Flat grave markers
Flat grave markers are the least expensive headstone option for both single and companion markers. Simple flat grave markers in gray granite with the name and dates of a person laser-etched will be your least expensive option, starting around $200.

How much is the cheapest headstone?

The cheapest headstone can cost as little as $500 – this would include a granite, flat lawn-level marker, with a 30-character engraving. The most expensive headstones can end up costing families as much as $10,000 or more (on the higher end they include things like obelisks or grand family tombs and mausoleums).

What were old gravestones made of?

Most gravestones made over the last few centuries are made of a few types of rock: marble, slate, and granite are the big three. Sometimes you run into darker stones made of gabbro, maybe a few sandstone markers, but especially in more recent monuments, marble and granite (and other plutonic rocks) rule the roost.

What is a stone monument called?

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for STONE MONUMENT [cairn]

Are headstones covered by insurance?

Headstones and other grave markers are often targeted by pranksters and are generally covered by homeowners insurance if they’re cracked, crushed or defaced with paint. They’re seen as valuables, so they’re generally protected in your policy, with reimbursement from $1,000 to $2,500.


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