What does 131 mean in basketball?

What does 131 mean in basketball?

In a 1-3-1 Zone Defense, the defenders play off the ball and cut off the passing lanes.

What is the purpose of a 1/3 1 defense?

At its core, the 1-3-1 zone defense is an aggressive defense that relies on cutting off passing lanes, anticipation, and deflections to create turnovers and fast break opportunities for your team. If you decide to implement the 1-3-1 zone defense for your team, it’s imperative that you’re ready to play fast basketball!

What is a 1/3 1 zone defense in basketball?

The 1-3-1 zone defense is a defensive basketball formation. It was originally utilized by legendary basketball coach, Red Sarachek. This defense is named for its formation since there is one defender at the point, three defenders at the free throw level, and one defender at the base line.

Who created the 1-3-1 zone?

Red Sarachek
The 1-3-1 zone defense is a defensive basketball formation. It was originally utilized by legendary basketball coach, Red Sarachek. This defense is named for its formation since there is one defender at the point, three defenders at the free throw level, and one defender at the base line.

What is a 1/2 2 defense in basketball?

In a 1-2-2 zone defense, the top defender is on the basketball and the two wings are protecting the free-throw line and allowing the pass to be made to the wing. In a 3-2 zone, the top defender doesn’t pressure the point guard. Instead, they sag back and deny the pass into the high post.

What are 3 disadvantages of the 1-3-1 zone defense?

Disadvantages / Cons of 1-3-1 Defense

  • It’s not the best choice for player development with young teams.
  • The corner can be susceptible to outside shots if you do not teach your players the proper coverages.
  • The low post can be open if you do not teach your players to proper coverages.

How to diagram 1-3-1 zone defense?

Conventional, more conservative 1-3-1 zone defense Diagram A shows the basic setup. X1 on the top, X2 and X3 on the wings (near the arc, free-throw line extended), X5 on the post player, and X4 down low. The arrows show how the defenders generally move in the zone.

How to calculate the coordinate point of rotation?

The following formula can be used to calculate the coordinate point in the x-y plane that has rotated by some angle (θ) about the x-axis. Note these formulas are for clockwise rotation. X=xcos (θ)+ysin (θ) Y=−xsin (θ)+ycos (θ) Where X is the new X coordinate. Y is the new Y coordinate. and θ is the angle of rotation.

What are the 3 defender rotations in basketball?

Defender 2 drops down to either defend the opposite low block or the wing if a skip pass is thrown. Defender 1 defends the high post area. Defender 3 can either sink in to stop penetration or apply pressure by denying the reversal pass.

What are the principles of the 31 defense?

Below is a list of tenets, or principles, that are key to making the 31 Defense work effectively. 1. Pressure the ball to make passing difficult. The defense is built on pressuring the basketball. We want to take away vision and contest every pass made by the offense.

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