How do you know if you have ABCC11 gene?

How do you know if you have ABCC11 gene?

The gene variant is known as ABCC11 and the study authors said that the consistency of earwax is a good indication of those who have it. People who have dry earwax as opposed to sticky earwax are highly likely to have the ABCC11 variant and therefore do not produce under arm body odour.

What does the ABCC11 gene do?

It is a protein that in humans is encoded by gene ABCC11. The gene is responsible for determination of human cerumen type (wet or dry ear wax) and presence of underarm osmidrosis (odor associated with sweat caused by excessive apocrine secretion).

Where is ABCC11 located?

ABCC11, also known as multidrug resistance associated protein 8 (MRP8), is a member of the human ABC transporter gene family. It is expressed in apocrine glands, and may have a key function in the secretion of odorants and their precursors8,9.

What is rs17822931?

rs17822931, also known as c. 538G>A or G180R, is a SNP in the ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 11 ABCC11 gene. The ABCC11 protein helps transport small molecules across apical membranes such as those in apocrine secretory cells.

Who has the ABCC11 gene?

According to a group of researchers from the University of Bristol in the UK, 2 percent of people (at least in their survey) carry a rare version of the gene ABCC11 that prevents their armpits from producing an offensive odor.

What happens if you don’t use deodorant?

If you’re not wearing deodorant or antiperspirant and you’re rushing out the door, then “your sweat glands may become more active,” which leads to increased secretion of sweat, says Surin-Lord. And while sweat itself can be annoying, it can also lead to bacteria build-up in your armpits, she notes.

What does ABCC11 stand for?

GeneCards Summary for ABCC11 Gene ABCC11 (ATP Binding Cassette Subfamily C Member 11) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with ABCC11 include Apocrine Gland Secretion, Variation In and Lateral Sinus Thrombosis.

How common is the ABCC11 gene?

What is the apocrine secretion?

Apocrine secretion occurs when the release of secretory materials is accompanied with loss of part of cytoplasm. The secretory materials may be contained in the secretory vesicles or dissolved in the cytoplasm that is lost during secretion.

Who has ABCC11 gene?

Today most East Asians and nearly all Koreans lack a chemical in their armpits that bacteria munch on to make body odor, because they carry this variant of the ABCC11 gene. About 98 percent of Europeans have the smelly-armpit version of the gene, and along with it comes stickier and smellier earwax.

What is the relationship between earwax and body odor?

Smelly genes Several years ago ago, scientists discovered that a gene called ABCC11 determined whether people produced wet or dry earwax. Interestingly, people who produce the “dry” version of earwax also lack a chemical in their armpits that bacteria feed on to cause underarm odor.

What race has the most ABCC11 gene?

The white men in the study had greater amounts of 11 of the VOCs than the East Asian men in the study. East Asian and Native American people were already known to have a form of the ABCC11 gene that causes the dry type of earwax and produces less underarm body order, compared with other ethnicities.

Is there a SNP in the ABCC11 gene?

rs17822931, also known as c.538G>A or G180R, is a SNP in the ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 11 ABCC11 gene. The ABCC11 protein helps transport small molecules across apical membranes such as those in apocrine secretory cells.

Is the ABCC11 gene for earwax dry or wet?

A nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), rs17822931-G/A (538G>A; Gly180Arg), in the ABCC11 gene determines human earwax type (i.e., wet or dry) and is one of most differentiated nonsynonymous SNPs between East Asian and African populations.

Which is a deletion in the ABCC11 gene?

The AA genotype corresponds to dry earwax, and GA and GG to wet type. A 27-bp deletion in ABCC11 exon 29 was also found in a few individuals of Asian ancestry.

What is the role of ABCC11 in lipid secretion?

The ABCC11 protein helps transport small molecules across apical membranes such as those in apocrine secretory cells. [ PMID 16444273] This SNP determines wet vs dry earwax as well as sweat production, and it is also associated with lipid secretion. It is commonly (T;T) for East Asians and (C;C) for Europeans and Africans.

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