What are the side effects of Duodenal Switch surgery?

What are the side effects of Duodenal Switch surgery?

Other complications of duodenal switch surgery can include:

  • Pneumonia.
  • Blood clots, including pulmonary embolism (a blood clot going to the lung)
  • Heart attack.
  • Bleeding.
  • Hernias at the incision site.
  • Psychological issues.
  • Death (very rare and reported in up to 1 in 1,000 bariatric surgery cases of all types nationally)

What is the difference between Duodenal Switch and Roux en Y?

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass The stomach pouch is much smaller than what is created in a duodenal switch, therefore allowing less food to be stored. Patients who undergo the gastric bypass procedure typically lose about two-thirds of their excess weight within only one year.

Is Duodenal Switch safe long term?

Duodenal Switch: Long Term Results (15 Years) RESULTS: Survival rate was 92% after DS. The risk of death (Excess Hazard Ratio (EHR)) was 1.2, almost that of the general population.

When should a Duodenal Switch be used?

If you are extremely obese and have tried without success to get your weight under control, your healthcare provider may recommend a bariatric surgical procedure known as biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS). This is usually known as the duodenal switch.

How long does it take to recover from Duodenal Switch?

Duodenal Switch Recovery Duodenal Switch patients should expect to stay in the hospital overnight and devote at least one week to recover. Patients are generally able to return to work within 2 weeks. Certain activities may be restricted for up to 6 weeks.

How is duodenal switch different from gastric bypass?

During a gastric bypass, a surgeon shrinks the size of the stomach by making its upper portion into a smaller pouch and connecting that directly to the small intestine. In comparison, a duodenal switch involves “bypassing” much of the small intestine, where nutrients are absorbed.

What is the success rate of the duodenal switch?

Duodenal switch surgery has a 90% success rate, meaning 90% of patients lost some of their excess weight as a result of the procedure.

How safe is the duodenal switch?

The National Institute of Health considers duodenal switch surgery to be a safe procedure. Operative mortality was 1%, comparable to other forms of bariatric surgery. Patient satisfaction rate was 95%.

How effective is the duodenal switch?

Duodenal switch surgery provides the highest average expected weight loss available among bariatric procedures and offers the best chance of curing diabetes (up to 98%).

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