How much is the train from Oslo to Bergen?

How much is the train from Oslo to Bergen?

In general, a one-way Oslo – Bergen ticket cost starts from 110 USD. You can find the current departure schedule and price and book your tickets online on Rail Ninja. How long is a train journey from Oslo to Bergen? The trains serving the routes are very fast and can cover the Oslo – Bergen distance in just 6.5 hours.

How do you get from Bergen to Flam?

The best way to get from Bergen to Flåm involves taking the famous Flåm Railway. Taking the train offers a unique way to travel the country of Norway and has picturesque scenery. You can also rent a car or hire a private transfer and drive or take the passenger ferry that will give you views from sea-level.

How long is the train journey from Oslo to Bergen?

about seven hours
The Bergensbanen train between Oslo and Bergen takes about seven hours, has about 180 tunnels and 22 stops.

Why Voss water is so expensive?

The natural filtration process and protection from contaminants allows Voss to avoid the use of chemicals and other additives to purify the water. The water is also tested to ensure it is free of anything that could be harmful to consume. This makes artesian water inherently more valuable than water from other sources.

How many days do you need in Bergen?

three days
It turns out that three days is the ideal amount of time to visit Bergen. Being a small city, you can cover its main attractions on foot and still have time left over, yet not so much time that you get bored.

Are trains expensive in Norway?

Trains here can be really expensive, but if you book your tickets in advance you can buy the Minipris tickets, which usually cost around 200 – 300 NOK for the entire route. And if you’re traveling to two places on the same day, you can usually still book the journeys on the same Minipris ticket.

Is the Flam railway worth it?

The Flåm Rail is a must if you’re interested in railroads, and a nice trip even if you aren’t. The Oslo – Bergen railroad runs trough both scenic and less scenic areas, doing the Flåm Railroad certainly adds scenery to the trip.

How much does the Flam railway cost?

Fares – The Flam Railway 2021

Valid period Category Return
01.01-30.04 Ordinary adult ticket NOK 500
Ordinary child ticket 6-17 years NOK 250
01.05-30.09 Ordinary adult ticket NOK 630
Ordinary child ticket 6-17 years NOK 314

Is Voss better than Fiji?

There are a bunch of different brands of water to choose from and you’re never sure which is actually the best. This woman tested 7 different brands and found that Voss water comes in the number 2 spot. Fiji takes the number one spot for tasting more crisp.

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