What age is Room on the Broom suitable for?

What age is Room on the Broom suitable for?

3-7 year olds
What age group is Room on the Broom best for? We’d recommend Room on the Broom for 3-7 year olds.

What is the message of Room on the Broom?

Room on the Broom is a favourite picture book among many speech pathologists, teachers and parents due to the mesmerising illustrations and repetitive rhyming text. Older children may be able to identify the moral of the story, which is all about the importance of friendship and benefits of being kind to others.

Are there different versions of Room on the Broom?

But apparently there are three different versions of the book, and the American editions were changed so that the dragon doesn’t say he wants ‘witch and chips’. One American edition apparently changes it to ‘witch and fries’ (which of course spoils the joke), and the other leaves that part out altogether!

How many pages is Room on the Broom?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780803738416
Pages: 24
Sales rank: 490
Product dimensions: 7.16(w) x 6.60(h) x 0.51(d)
Lexile: AD600L (what’s this?)

Is room on the broom scary?

The movie’s content — like the book — is fine for younger audiences, but it does feature a scary dragon that wants to eat the witch. Children familiar with the book will be particularly excited to see the short and sweet 27-minute film.

What is the moral of the Gruffalo story?

In the story, Mouse — a rodent about to become lunch — talks her way to safety by spinning a tall tale about a big, bad “Gruffalo” that will come to terrify the predators. “The moral of the story is, really, no matter how small or how big you are, you can get yourself out of any situation.

What is the witches name on room on the broom?

Gillian Anderson
Character Profile: Witch (Gillian Anderson) Appearance: Has a very tall hat and long ginger hair, which she wears in a plait. Likes: Flying over moors and mountains, creating spells and potions, sharing.

Why is room on the broom a good book for children?

Room on the Broom the Book The book has a wonderful cadence and flow of how the words flow and the rhymes synthesize the story. I have read it so many times now that I could probably recite most of it, given just the first word or two of each paragraph.

What is room on the broom witch name?

Appearance: Has a very tall hat and long ginger hair, which she wears in a plait. Likes: Flying over moors and mountains, creating spells and potions, sharing.

Has Room on the Broom won any awards?

International Emmy Kids Award for Animation
Room on the Broom/Awards

How many copies of Room on the Broom have sold?

Room on the Broom was first published in 2001 and has sold over six million copies and been translated into 48 languages. The best-selling children’s book tells the story of a witch and her cat and the three other animals they invite onto the broom.

Is room on the broom a rhyming book?

Room on the Broom is an engaging tale with great illustrations, and the entire story is told in one long rhyme, which makes it a perfect match for the Hanen strategy “Listen… and Find One Like It” – a fun technique to build children’s sound awareness.

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