What is a uterosacral ligament suspension?

What is a uterosacral ligament suspension?

The uterosacral ligament suspension is a procedure used to correct prolapse of the vaginal vault or apex (top of the vagina). It is typically performed at the time of vaginal hysterectomy, although it can also be performed in other situations.

What is Uterosacral Colpopexy?

Uterosacral colpopexy is a common transvaginal procedure for apical prolapse and can be performed at the time of vaginal hysterectomy.

What is Sacrospinous ligament fixation?

Sacrospinous ligament fixation (SSLF) is a commonly used transvaginal procedure used to correct apical pelvic organ prolapse (POP). The technique utilizes the sacrospinous ligaments to suspend the vagina in patients who have uterovaginal prolapse or apical vaginal prolapse after hysterectomy.

What is a Rectocele repair?

The goal of rectocele repair is to strengthen the wall between the vagina and rectum. In this surgical procedure, the doctor will make an incision into the back wall of the vagina. The layers under the vaginal wall are then sutured together in such a way as to tighten the tissues and reinforce the strength of the wall.

What is colporrhaphy surgery?

Colporrhaphy, also known as vaginal wall repair, is a surgical procedure performed to correct defects in the vaginal wall, or pelvic-organ prolapse, including cystoceles and rectoceles.

How long does it take to recover from a Sacrocolpopexy?

Recovery from surgery usually takes two to four weeks, but sometimes longer if more strenuous activity is planned. It is normal to be very tired during this time. A patient may shower 48 hours after the surgery, but she should NOT swim or soak in water for 6 weeks after surgery.

How is sacrospinous ligament fixation performed?

At Northwestern Medicine, your urogynecologist will perform the sacrospinous ligament suspension through an incision in the vagina. Either permanent and/or slowly dissolving stitches are placed into the sacrospinous ligament and then through the top of the vagina. Over time, scar tissue forms that supports the vagina.

How is the uterosacral ligament suspended in the vagina?

A uterosacral ligament suspension involves stitching the uterosacral ligaments to the apex or top of the vagina, thereby restoring normal support to the top of the vagina.

What are the side effects of uterosacral ligament suspension?

Specific complications related to uterosacral ligament suspension include: Ureteric injury. Buttock pain. Constipation. Pain with intercourse.

How is uterosacral ligament suspension performed at Northwestern Medicine?

At Northwestern Medicine, your Urogynecologist will perform the uterosacral ligament suspension via a minimally invasive surgical (MIS) route; the most common way to perform it is through the vagina, however, it can also be done utilizing conventional laparoscopy and the robotic surgical system.

How are uterosacral ligaments used in hysterectomy?

A uterosacral ligament suspension is an operation designed to restore support to the uterus (womb) or vaginal vault (top of the vagina in a woman who has had a hysterectomy). The uterosacral ligaments are strong supportive structures that attach the cervix (neck of the womb) to the sacrum (bottom of the spine).


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