When is your second C-section scheduled?

When is your second C-section scheduled?

Scheduling a First or Second C-Section If this is your first or your second c-section, you will most likely be scheduled around the 39th week of gestation. While it is possible that you may go into early labor within this time frame, it is not considered a problem. In fact, some obstetricians actually prefer this.

Can I choose to have a second C-section?

Elective repeat c-section (ERCS) If you choose to have another c-section, you will usually have it after 39 weeks of pregnancy. Your obstetrician may suggest you have another c-section if you have: a vertical scar in your womb.

When you have a second C-section do they cut in the same place?

During a C-section, your doctor makes two incisions. The first is through the skin of your lower abdomen, about an inch or two above your pubic hair line. The second is into the uterus, which is where the doctor will reach in to deliver your baby.

Which week is best for 2nd C-section?

“The optimal time of delivery is 38 weeks for women with 2 previous cesarean deliveries and 37 weeks for those with 3 or more.”

Is second C-section worse than first?

For women who delivered their first baby by cesarean section, delivering a second baby also by C-section may be somewhat safer for both mother and baby than a vaginal birth, a new study reveals.

Is the 2nd C-section easier?

Which week is safe for second C-section?

Is second C section easier than first?

Do second babies come earlier after C section?

Two recent studies published in 2019, one from BJOG and one from PLOS One , correlate C-sections in first pregnancies to preterm births in second pregnancies. In both, there was a statistically significant higher rate of preterm births in people who’d had prior cesareans.

What are the risks of a second C section?

Risks of multiple C-sections

  • uterine rupture.
  • bladder complications.
  • bowel adhesions or lacerations.
  • omentum adhesions.
  • blood vessel complications.
  • excessive bleeding.
  • need for blood transfusions.
  • hysterectomy.

When to schedule a first or second C section?

Scheduling a First or Second C-Section. If this is your first or your second c-section, you will most likely be scheduled around the 39th week of gestation. While it is possible that you may go into early labor within this time frame, it is not considered a problem.

What happens if you have an unscheduled C section?

If you end up having an unscheduled C-Section, or an emergency C-Section, know that most of these procedural tasks still happen, they just happen much faster and with more people helping. 1. Getting prepped Your doctor will ask you to be at the hospital about 2-3 hours before your actual surgery.

What happens to the baby during a C section?

The nurse suctioned her out, and she spent a couple of hours in the nursery so that the nurses could observe her most closely. This is fairly common among scheduled C-section babies when the mother doesn’t experience any labor. Usually, uterine contractions squeeze some of the fluid out of the baby while they are still in the womb.

Are there any benefits to having multiple C sections?

Potential benefits include shorter recovery time and lower risk of surgical complications. However, it’s not for everyone. For example, the more C-sections you have, the more likely you are to have a uterine rupture. With each C-section, there’s a higher chance of scar tissue buildup, heavy bleeding, and problems with the placenta.

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